Disney Using Drones at Their Parks!!

NEW Live Disney Drone spectacular show at the Disney Parks! The teaser video below looks like a new kid of show at Disney. Drones take the main stage and it'll be better than fireworks,maybe. 

Disneys aerial photographer

There are many applications for drones. Drone services would kill to be in production with Disney for their new show and it looks like Disney has been planning and patenting these shows for a while now. 

Drone photographer of jack

After 9/11 the airspace over the Disney Parks were deemed "No Fly Zones" by the FAA, therefore no aircraft could fly over the Disney parks for any reason and would get shut down. Apparently Disney was the one who suggested the No Fly Zone.

But now they are changing their tune and just got granted permission to fly drones over their parks for a new live show with drones. No one knows when the first performance will be but since its Disney, you know it will be spectacular. Just check out the teaser!

What's next, Dancing with the Stars? 

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